Surface web, Deep web and Dark web: the mystery

In this tutorial, I'm going to explain you about surface web, deep Web, dark web and Mariana web.

These contents are written and posted by LAZY CYBER HUNTER and is a content to copyright. ©

The internet basically consists of 3 parts and a part which is not confirmed about.
  • Surface Web
  • Deep Web
  • Dark Web
  • Mariana web (not confirmed yet)

Let's deal about them one by one.

So, we should start using surface web.

The websites which can be accessed using any normal browser like Google chrome, mozila or any other browsers are known as surface web. Every website we normally use daily like Google, Facebook, Gmail, Wikipedia etc. Comes under surface web.

What if I say the Google and other search engines does not contains even 10% of the internet? Amused na? But yes. It's the fact that these all search engines on combining too contains only about 4% of the internet. The rest 96% is covered by deep Web and dark web.

As I think you all know well about the surface web as you are surfing through it regularly.

So Now comes the Deep Web.

Deep Web consists of the sites which can not be accessed through normal web browser like chrome and all. They need to be surfed using only onion browser also known as the Tor browser.

These browsers are basically to hide the identity of the person surfing internet and to hide data too..

Deep webs are used mainly by business mans, government employees, company owners and people of such kind who have lots of data which they don't want to share. Deep Web is just like website behind firewalls. They are encrypted and need key to be opened. And the main part is that they can not be opened if you don't have the link to get there. They require link and keys too.. The deep Web is almost 90% of the internet.

Then comes the Dark Web

Many people are confirmed between the deep want and the dark web. They think both are the same. But the fact is that they both are not the same. They both are accessed using the Tor browser but they have a lot of differences.

Dark Web same as the deep Web and also a part of it, therefore it can not be accessed using normal browser like chrome and all but the basic difference between them is deep Web is used by employees to hide there data where as dark web is mainly used for illegal purpose.

Dark Web don't need keys to be accessed. The only thing needed is their link. But the point is that it mainly compromise Hitman hiring, weeds selling, arms smuggling, selling of human body parts, hiring hackers, and many more such thing. Therefore surfing dark web can be dangerous. The dark web is the remaining 6% of the internet.

Note: Unlike the domain of surface web (.com / .in / .org) the domain of deep webs and dark web is .Onion
Note: it is not illegal to surf through deep Web or dark webs but it's totally illegal to surf through sites of arms dealings, child pornography, weeds selling, hiring hitmans and all of such kind.

And now comes the Mariana web.

According to few people, there is something deeper then the deep Web and dark web which is known as Mariana web. But the fact is that it is still not defined. Some people say that they have gone through the Mariana web but there is no such proof to believe on that.

But as per knowledge till date, Mariana web is just a saying but it is said that it will require 100's of super computers to go through the Mariana web. It is also said that Mariana web contains all the secrets of the world and it is the way to Illuminati too..

But nobody knows what's true and what's fake. We can only know what is said.

At last I would like to warn you guys to be safe while surfing deep Web and dark web because many illegal activities are done their and nobody knows who's the next victim.

So guys, be safe, enjoy and in case of any doubt or any request regarding new post you may contact me on email ( or Instagram ( @lazy_cyber_hunter ) or in comment section.


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